Day 11 – Let’s go to Budapest

I am so frustrated, I want to bike so bad, and i am now taking the bus for the second time on a “bike trip” around Europe, I am doing a Europe tour but instead of having a small backpack, I have a bike that I am not using 🙁

The knee injury got worse, but I know what it is. In french a “Épanchement de synovie” or synovial effusion. It is an accumulation of fluid that is characterized by the swelling of the joint. It is generally localized at the level of the knee and causes pain and difficulty in moving. The effusion is often the result of a major sporting effort for young people.

Due to overload on my knee, there is an excess of liquid in the knee, which is often accompanied by inflammation

If there are no complications, a rest period may be sufficient. If resting the joint is not sufficient, a puncture may be indicated to evacuate the fluid from the joint.

I hate days like this, waiting to then wait in the bus. An overdose of nothingness, I spent all day chilling in the hostel, on my computer, I cooked a little bit. I also went to find 200L trash bags to try to create a bag to wrap the bike. Now, I will never complain when biking again. Moving is better than whatever this is. I will have to get used to it, i will have to make the minimum amount of movement until the 14th. Hopefully, I can get started again then.

To keep moving, I am trying to take the bus to Budapest tonight. Once again, I am not sure if they will accept the bike. Lots of hesitation until the end, but the bus driver accepts me, and I can now relax.

I repeat it again, fuck borders, they are only a way for states to control us and put us in giant prisons on the earth which we all share. We arrived at 19h15 at the Hungarian Border. The border police were smoking cigarettes, taking their time, joking while old ladies, children, and people waited. We stayed almost 7 long hours stationary while they were jerking each other off or something like that. You have to pay for the toilet, there is no access to water or food, the entrance to Europe is tight and locked. This used to be a big border crossing for “illegal” immigration of people fleeing hell. A lot of crimes were committed against other human beings here. Now, there are drones, multiple layers of 4 meters high fences, and officers paid to do nothing all financed by the EU but no improvement to the efficiency of the system, we were not even in the peak hours. This is a shame to Europe, and Hungary should not be proud of how it welcomes people, like animals. All of that to protect us from people seeking a better life when we need young labor for a population that is getting older. In France, our pension system is financed by young people working and we are now having a “controversial” reform to make people work more while the world is burning, and when you could just accept young people that want to work hard in our countries. Our elders vote for anti immigration policies, did not have enough kids, didn’t share their money, destroyed the earth, and now want us to work more so that they can enjoy their retirement (and they say they are doing it for us). We can definitely talk about a generation division and fight that will most likely intensify in the future.

Waiting at the border, finally the first bus…

It’s now 1h40 in the morning, and we still have 2 hours of bus, and then I have 20 min of biking to the hostel (not even I can do it with my knee)

You can see the clock showing 4h00

We end up arriving at 4h00 in the morning in Budapest, I build my bike back, get ready to ride the 20 min to the hostel. When i arrive it is on the second floor, so I have to bring up my bags, lock the bike in the parking, check in, and I am finally in bed at 5h00 and ready to sleep.

Day 11 – Let’s go to Budapest

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