Day 10 – Novi Sad knee recovery

My knee is in really bad shape, I hope I will be able to get going tomorrow again. It should be good but I will have to bike very slow and today I need to take it easy. I tried to bike 15 min today but it really hurt, not looking good. Tommorow I have a 67km day planned, so there will be no rush, take my time and enjoy. I should definitely do a long and correct warm up.

Ended up seeing a doctor, my knee got very swollen today, and he explained to me that if I didn’t take a break, I would never finish my trip and I run the risk of having a bad ligament injury. I cannot fold my leg anymore, and I am thus considering other options to keep going. Most likely, I will take a bus tomorrow to Budapest, and then rest for 5-6 days, do an x-ray and see how the situation evolves.

Day 10 – Novi Sad knee recovery

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