Day 8: Cave monasteries

The starts early, and we are now going more and more in the northern Mustang. The road is getting more technical, the views are incredible and I ride like every morning with a good rhythm, stopping to take photos. 

We stop for lunch in a very small village, the ground is dirt inside, and we order Dahl Bat again. But before we drop our heavy bags to go down a very technical path for 15 min, it is steep, full of rocks, and no mistakes are allowed. We are at 3700m, in the middle of nowhere, it adds to the challenge.  At the bottom of this deep valley, we park our bikes and start a 20 min hike to a religious buddhist cave. There are celebrations. We are in mystical place, we drink tea, a salty, milky with butter black tea, perfect for hiking in high altitude and get some energy. We sit down in the middle of the prayer room and observe the ceremony in silence. We can definitly feel the fact that we are at high altitude, we get winded quickly, and movements must be slow. The ride back up is extremely challenging, no stalling allowed, we are forced to push each other bikes a few time. Once back up in the village, we eat lunch, get some energy, take a quick nap, and we are back on the road. 

The roads are so bad, that we each lose our bags at some point, but we are in a hollywood movie, it looks fake, unreal. We arrive at the lodge tottaly broken, Jean almost wants to give up, cold shower, no electricity and wifi. We get a quick snack, and split up for personal time, I decide to go visit the village. I end up meeting an old man, I follow him for 45 min, and he shows me the panorama and the village. He also makes me visit common houses, workshops, and farms, and we only communicate with our hands since he does not speak English. What an adventure! I then do a call with Bianca, right before dinner, shared in a small room, and then sleep at 21h30. 

The map is very intersting, useful while not being to scale. Will will go to Loamthang, and slightly higher.

Day 8: Cave monasteries

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